Kotlin vs Scala

January 21, 2022


Programming languages are a crucial aspect of software development. With numerous programming languages out there, it's hard to decide which one to use. Two popular programming languages in recent times are Kotlin and Scala. Kotlin and Scala both belong to the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) family, and both are multi-paradigm languages. But which one is better? In this blog post, we will explore the differences between Kotlin and Scala.


When it comes to performance, Kotlin is faster than Scala. In a benchmark test conducted by RebelLabs, Kotlin's performance was higher than Scala by 7-25%. The improved performance of Kotlin is due to its concise syntax and faster compilation times.

Learning Curve

Scala has a steep learning curve compared to Kotlin. The primary reason for Scala's steep learning curve is its functional and object-oriented paradigms. Scala's syntax may take time to get used to, and it's not as beginner-friendly as Kotlin.

On the other hand, Kotlin is more straightforward to learn and has an intuitive syntax that's easy to understand. Kotlin's simplicity makes it easier to pick up and a better choice for beginner programmers.


Both Kotlin and Scala have interoperability with Java, which means they can interact with Java libraries and frameworks. However, Kotlin has better integration with Java, making it easier to integrate it with existing Java projects.

Community and Support

Both Kotlin and Scala have strong communities backing them. Kotlin is backed by Google and has been embraced by the Android community for developing Android apps. Scala, on the other hand, is backed by TypeSafe (now called Lightbend) and has been used in many prominent companies such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and The Guardian.

Comparison Table

Here's a comparison table between Kotlin and Scala based on some of the features discussed in this blog post:

Feature Kotlin Scala
Performance Faster Slower
Learning Curve Easier Steeper
Interoperability Better integration with Java Interoperable with Java
Community and Support Backed by Google and Android community Backed by TypeSafe and used in prominent companies


Choosing a programming language can be challenging, and it ultimately depends on the project requirements and personal preference. Both Kotlin and Scala have their pros and cons. In this blog post, we've discussed some of the differences between Kotlin and Scala.

If performance is your top priority, then Kotlin is your best bet. If you're a beginner programmer or looking for a low learning curve, then Kotlin is a better option. If you're already proficient in Java and looking for something similar, then Scala might be a good choice.

Ultimately, you have to decide which language works best for your project. We hope this comparison between Kotlin and Scala has helped you make an informed decision.


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